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DEHNguard protects DC Systems up to 950 V
DEHN chroni instalacje stałoprądowe

DEHNguard protects direct current applications up to 950 V

DEHNguard ME DC Y 950 FM with DCD technology was specially developed for use with DC power sources. DCD, the DC switching device, safely disconnects the protective device in case of overload.
This combined type 1+2 arrester promises maximum system and operational safety throughout the entire life cycle of the electrical installation.

Product highlights

  • Specially designed for DC systems
  • DC switching device – now also in the combined arrester
  • Universally applicable – with and without external lightning protection
  • Modular design – modules can be replaced individually
  • Zero leakage current
  • UL approval
  • With floating remote signalling contact

No zero-crossing - a problem in DC applications

  • Web DCD
    DCD technology | >>> Video
  • Video DCD technology

Thermal disconnectors are used in AC applications. In DC applications, however, there is a danger of continuous arcing because there is no zero crossing. DCD technology has been developed to ensure that the disconnector also works safely in direct current applications. It functions like a wedge which safely interrupts the DC current in case of overload.

For you, this means protection against fire damage caused by DC switching arcs.


One DC arrester, multiple applications

DEHNguard ME DC Y 950 FM offers you maximum system and operational safety throughout the entire life cycle of your electrical installation.

  • DEHN protects E-Mobility
    E mobility, car charging stations
  • DEHN schützt E-Mobility
    E mobility, local public transport, fleets
  • Gleichstrombahn für Überspannungen schützen
    DC railways, local public transport
  • DC Anwendungen in der Industrie
    Industrial DC applications
  • DEHN schützt Ihre Daten
    Server rooms, data processing centres

There are many possible applications:

E-mobility, electric local public transport, direct current railways, data processing centres and industrial DC applications.

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